Software Engineer
Mobile Development Learner
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  • Javascript
  • Go
  • Swift
  • Dart
  • React
  • Django
  • SwiftUI
  • UIKit
  • Flutter
  • Selenium

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to meeting!

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2 +
Years Experience
Completed Projects
100 +
Freelance Jobs

My Projects

Movie Explorer is an iOS application that allows users to explore and discover movies. It fetches data from TMBD and has custom movie list feature. App supports dark & light mode and localization. App uses CoreData for store data.
I have used UIKit for UI. Alomafire for network requests, and for image caching and getting Kingfisher
Flip movie is a serverless web app which you can look for latest movies and details. You can flip a movie when you are having trouble to find something to watch

I have used React with Vite.js for UI. I get movie details via TMBD API. For styling purposes I have used MUI
Delivery Tracker
This project is a simple food delivery app built with React. It has two markers: one for the courier's location and another for the customer's location.

For the map I used Leaflet It also includes an order card that shows the price, time, and image of the food. WebSocket will be used for coming data in the real project
Yas Otuzbes
Yas Otuzbes is a simple website that written in Python. It gives you a random quotes from Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı, then says how long you live.

I have used Django for backend, pure html/css used for front end
Kokonut is a web application that collects data from popular real estate sites and presents it to us on a single page and makes it easier to find a house.
I have used web scraping methods to collect data with Selenium and display it on the web with Django.
Object Detection on UAV
While developing this project I have used MAVLink protocol and Dronekit for communicate with drone and controlling. I have used OpenCV to process the raw video stream. The UAV uses deep learning technique for detect objects. I have retrain SSD-MobilenetV2 with my own dataset for it.
An Automation for Insurance Agencies
I have used WPF and Selenium. By the help of Selenium framework you can get a price from 12+ insurance companies by clicking just one button.

You can save your prices to the local database for detailed analysis.
Compensation Calculator for Lawyers
I have developed a desktop application which can calculate any type of compensation at business law, prepare a formal report with calculated compensation and other details. I have implement a licensing system then tried find new customers. Now 50+ lawyers are using my application to automate their works.
Discord Bot for School Community
I have developed a discord bot by using Discord.JS and Node.Js The bot whose name is "Disgaz" have theese systems; Register system, Balancing system, 2FA auth by using e-mails, Profile Managment System, Music Bot System and more...

For database I have used MongoDB

About Me

Who is actually Saltuk?
I have experince working as part of remote team. I am motivated and dependable person who is great at time management. I am always learning and searching for solve problems by using the most creative and functional methods.

Apart from being a software developer, I enjoy most of my time being at nature. I often go camping with my friends. I enjoy playing any type of sport especially badminton.

When I have to keep indoors, I play computer games, spend with my friends via communication programs, I spend 1-2 hours of my free time to read and explore the newest advancements in technology world.

Education and Volunteer Works

Gazi University
2019 - 2024

GPA: 3.76

Content Creator on Youtube
2020 - Present

I am creating a programming tutorials for everybody with up-to-date technologies on youtube.

Check it out!

Work History

More detail can be found on resume
Software Developer @rakort
2024 - Present

I'm working as part-time Software Developer at @rakort We're developing NAC sofware which names FastNAC.

IOS Developer
2023 - 2024

I was working as part-time IOS Developer at I developed mobile apps with SwiftUI

IOS Developer Intern @OBSS

I'have attended to IOS Developer Internship at OBSS also got the first place in the internship program.

© 2024 Saltuk Ozelgul